Adding custom domain

Created on 30 September, 2021Wiki - Tutorials and Tips • 1,045 views

Using your own domain in

Our platform is the only one that allows you to have your own custom link shortener using your company's domain or subdomain. However, to use this function you need to perform 3 processes.

1. Register your desired domain, we recommend the company namecheap.

2. The domain must exist.

3. Point the CNAME to the IP indicated on the Dashboard.

4. You can also use subdomains like LNK.YOURCOMPANY.COM or LNK is the subdomain.

Adding Domain

1. After registering your domain, go to DOMAINS and then ADD.

2. Enter the registered domain.

3. Now open a ticket in the company and ask them to point the WWW to the IP indicated on the panel.

4. If everything is fine, we will validate your domain and release it for use.

5. When creating a new Bioiy Plage or Shortlink, the system will ask which prefix you want to use.